Hannah Crum

“The Kombucha Mamma”

Kombucha Expert
Master Brewer
Public Speaker
Author & Educator
Commercial Brewing Consultant

About Hannah

  • World-renowned Kombucha expert
  • Consultant for the commercial Kombucha industry
  • President & Co-Founder of Kombucha Brewers International 
  • Co-author of The Big Book of Kombucha, a 400-page resource for all things kombucha
  • Co-founder of the Kombucha Kamp blog & e-commerce store for fermentation supplies, DIY info and consultation services

Create excitement and positive energy when you “trust your gut” and invite Hannah Crum, the Kombucha Mamma, to talk about fermentation, bacteriosapiens, or any number of related topics.

Whether your focus is on a specific diet (from vegan to paleo), a healthy lifestyle, or simply living naturally, Hannah gives your audience information they will value, and advice or recipes they can use on their personal path to natural health.

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