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Kombucha Spa Day! Try these Kombucha Skin Care Ideas

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Kombucha Skin Care recipe ideas for homebrewersEating better is one way to clear up skin problems. Drinking Kombucha can help with that. But there’s another way Kombucha is good for your skin, and that’s topically. In fact, you can use Kombucha as skin care right on your face, or even use the  SCOBY!

Can Kombucha help acne?

As with most Kombucha Benefits, a combination of anecdotal evidence and newly emerging research is all that is available right now. And there are good reasons to believe that Kombucha is good for your face or any skin on your body.

The low pH of Kombucha and especially Kombucha Vinegar makes it a natural astringent. This can act like a mild acid peel, removing dead skin cells and leaving the skin softer, without the danger of burning or damaging the skin with harsh chemicals.

And biofilms like the Kombucha SCOBY are used for medical applications where substitute skin or a suitable healing layer is needed, such as for burns or after surgery.

If it’s good enough to heal those kinds of injuries, it’s no wonder the cosmetic industry is responding.

But rather than pay top dollar for commercial Kombucha skin care products, make your own at home and have a Kombucha Spa Day with family, friends, or just to spoil yourself!

Here are 5 easy recipes you can try at home.

**Note: If you have sensitive skin, test on a small section of skin before applying to your face. Consult your dermatologist before beginning any new skincare regimen.

Kombucha Skin Care Recipes

1. Simple SCOBY Face Masque

The texture of this face masque is a bit different as the bacterial cellulose of the SCOBY doesn’t perfectly puree leaving it a bit chunkier. Adding a binder will help to keep it together and increases emollience for those with dry skin. You can whip this up in advance and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks. It may grow a “skin” across the top, simply remove that layer or stir to return to a smoother texture.



  1. Place the SCOBY and  1/4 – 1/2 cup of Kombucha depending on the size of your culture in the blender and pulse until smooth.
  2. If using a binder, such as a raw egg or almond oil, add to the blender.
  3. If you like, you may also add Aloe Vera, Vitamin E oil and  lavender essential oil or rose essential oil (just a few drops for fragrance) for added benefits.
  4. Blend until smooth.
  5. Store in a clean jar in the refrigerator indefinitely. Toss if it grows mold.

Directions for Use

  1. Using clean hands, apply to a freshly washed face. It will have a chunky, applesauce type texture to it so it may not go on evenly – that’s OK.
  2. Find a comfortable position and allow it to remain on the face 5-15 minutes.
  3. Then rinse off completely and pat dry.
  4. Marvel at your beautiful complexion in the mirror and whisper sweet affirmations to your gorgeous self.


I find it’s best when I can lay down and relax for these few minutes while the masque is on my face.

Experiment until you find your perfect recipe.

Kombucha Vinegar in the bath is a fantastic Kombucha skin care routine that requires very little effort

Adding a cup or two of KT to your bath not only softens the skin, but removes soap scum from the tub.


hannah crum, the Kombucha Mamma!My Daily Kombucha Skin Care Routine: Kombucha Soap

Ever since I found out about Kombucha soap, I’ve been hooked. Check out this post about it plus a Kombucha Soap Recipe here.

It is the only soap that I use because it gets me squeaky clean with no soap scum.

Plus it contains active Kombucha culture which leaves my skin soft and smooth without drying it out.

We don’t actually make the soap as it is a bit complex. And sadly our soap maker of many years has now retired. I’m using up the last of my stockpile so if you find an amazing Kombucha soap you love, let us know!!

2. Kombucha Clay Masque

Kombucha Vinegar is easy to make by accident! Simply forget about that batch fermenting in the back of the cupboard and then find it a few months later. While it won’t be delicious to drink, it has a host of great uses including skin care. You can also make Kombucha Vinegar using the recipe in The Big Book of Kombucha.


  1. Mix together the clay and KV with your fingers until you’ve formed a paste.
  2. Don’t bother saving this as it will just dry out. Make a fresh batch every time!

Directions for Use

  1. Smooth onto face with clean fingers or a paint brush.
  2. Allow to dry for about 15-20 minutes. 
  3. Rinse with cool water & pat dry with a soft towel.
  4. Admire your glowing complexion and compliment yourself in the mirror  – Who is that hottie?! Oh yeah, it’s you!


Substitute 1 teaspoon of KV for rosewater if additional anti-aging benefits are desired.

3. Whole SCOBY

The pH of the Kombucha creates a mild acid peel which sloughs away dead skin, and the cellulose structure of the SCOBY creates nano-structures which help to fill in fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, Kombucha naturally contains hyaluronic acid, a moisturizing ingredient often found in anti-aging beauty products. It will pull circulation to the face which regenerates skin cells and may cause temporary redness. 


  1. Select a thin SCOBY from your SCOBY Hotel.
  2. If you prefer, remove any large bits of yeast.
  3. You may also cut out eyeholes however we usually just lay it right on our face.

Directions for Use

  1. Find a comfortable fainting couch or feather bed to lie down. Laying prone will prevent the culture from slipping off of your adorable face.
  2. Place an entire culture directly on your face – relax, the SCOBY will not suck your brains out!
  3. Keep a towel handy to catch the drips as the Kombucha runs down your face and neck.
  4. Relax for 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed. If you choose to open them, you may experience a mild stinging sensation in the eyes.
  5. Listen to your favorite meditation music, angry podcaster or whatever lightens your mood.
  6. Remove the SCOBY and return to a clean jar.
  7. Rinse face in cool water, then pat dry.
  8. Catch a glimpse of your slightly reddened visage in the mirror and smirk knowing that soon you will feel like you look 10 years younger.

The skin may appear red for a period of time, this is normal and fades quickly. 

You could store this same culture in a separate jar with some fermented Kombucha just for your facial regimen, otherwise compost after use.

It is NOT recommended to use cultures that have been on your face to brew Kombucha.

4. Facial Toner

Facial toners are often made using harsh ingredients that can dry the skin or with extra preservatives that damage the skin biome. The mild acids of Kombucha, combined with relaxing or uplifting essential oils, naturally soften skin without over-drying. Instead, it gently tightens pores and removes excess oil. For best results, make small batches.


  1. Combine fermented KT & a few drops of essential oil in a glass jar.

Directions for Use

  1. Douse a cotton ball with the toner. Alternatively, insert a sprayer into the bottle and spritz onto the face.
  2. Store in a cool, dark location. Keeps indefinitely. 

Suggested oils for beauty

Be sure to patch test your essential oils to avoid unwanted sensitivity or allergic reactions. Remove the sprayer between uses to prevent SCOBY from growing.

5. Hair Tonic

For this recipe, it is vital that the Kombucha be fully fermented to vinegar or the residual sugars may leave your hair sticky.  This rinse gently removes oils without stripping the hair so it is soft and shiny.


  1. Add fresh or dried herbs to a clean glass jar.
  2. Cover with well fermented KT/KV.
  3. Infuse for 3-5 days.
  4. Strain out the herbs and add the tea tree oil (optional).
  5. Store tightly capped in cool, dark location. 

Directions for Use

  1. Use as the last rinse before leaving the shower.
  2. Squeeze excess from hair but allow it to remain in the hair.
  3. The smell will quickly fade when it dries.
  4. Comb hair through to remove tangles.

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  • Patricia Garcia

    April 18, 2020 at 9:04 am

    Ok,I tried it. I put scoby directly on my closed eyelids because my eczema had flared up around my eyes and nothing else helped. It did tingle, I wouldn’t call it burning because I know what burning feels like from all the eye creams I’d try that I had to quickly remove again. This was a different, tolerable sensation. I kept it on for 20 minutes. Of course, I couldn’t just open my eyes after I took them off because I didn’t want the kombucha in my eyes so I walked with my eyes closed to the sink, luckily I’m good at that. Washed my face. At first, my eyelids and under eye felt rough. I put on my eye cream that I made (shea butter, beeswax, coconut oil, almond oil) like I always did. But this time, I could see and feel a difference. I just repeated it a few days later and I love this spa at home! This next time I actually put a large piece on my neck because I have an eczema breakout there as well. I can see and feel a difference.

    If you are going to try on your eyes, definitely be careful as I feel the kombucha in your eye could burn. I’m not a doctor, so proceed at your own risk.

  • Susan Morgan

    October 8, 2019 at 2:52 pm

    I just made the Kombucha soap – can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  • Ariel

    August 18, 2019 at 4:04 pm

    Hi! So I did the whole Scoby face mask. Put 3 small scobys on my face (one on forehead, one one each cheek). Burned a little so I took off after 6 minutes. Rinsed face, toned with witch hazel, and moisturized with green pastures beauty balm. Face was barely red and skin felt lovely.

    Then for a VERY unpleasant reaction…I got a headache, nausea, sweats, lightheaded, thought I was gonna vomit, and then did get diarrhea…wow! Has this happened to anyone else? It happened within minutes. Lasted about 45mins and still feel a lil funny now a couple hours later. I felt perfectly fine beforehand…I’m thinking I had a very strong detox reaction. I’m gonna try the scoby face mask again because as far as my skin goes I really liked the effect, but I want to see if it was a coincidence or what is going on. Will do it at a more convenient time just in case though (I had friends arrive at my house right as I was feeling the worst).
    Am really curious if anyone else has experienced something similar.

    • Hannah Crum

      August 22, 2019 at 3:15 pm

      Every BODY is different. This is the first we’ve heard of a topical application leading to such a reaction. Seems unlikely but anything is possible. Trust YOUR gut – let us know if it happens again or if it was just a coincidence.

  • Amber

    November 25, 2018 at 7:11 pm

    Hey! I made the simple scoby cream (4-6 oz scoby 1/4 cup KT and some jojoba oil).
    It’s working wonders on my skin! But once I rinse it off my face is red and warm to touch for about 10-15 minuets. Is this due to the acidity in the kombucha? Or a negative reaction?

    **It also stings when I put it on my sons ezcema (it’s healing his skin!) and I hate for him to be uncomfortable. How can I mask the sting??? Thought about trying the clay recipe so maybe the clay will help soothe

    Thanks so much. Love all y’all do!

    • Hannah Crum

      December 1, 2018 at 1:03 pm

      Hi Amber – what you are experiencing is normal – as the culture pulls circulation to the surface of the skin, it will feel warm and be a little red – as you’ve probably noticed, it does dissipate fairly quickly. I think your idea of adding clay to the cream will help soothe the sting a little but remember, medicine isn’t always “sweet” or easy to tolerate – iodine, rubbing alcohol, etc always have a little burn before they soothe. Let us know how it helps your son’s eczema.

      • Stacey

        January 24, 2019 at 7:46 pm

        I use KT daily for my eczema. It has made a huge difference. When I brew my KT I set aside a bottle in the refridgator just for my eczema. I put it on a dry wash cloth and pat the area. The coldness from the KT being refridgerated is soothing.

  • Laura McNeill

    September 28, 2017 at 7:57 am

    This looks great does KT mean kombucha tea?

  • Rosita Chua

    June 23, 2017 at 5:17 am

    Hello Hannah, I tried using KT as a hair tonic for the first time. As instructed, I used it as a final rinse and left it on. It left my hair so tangled, I can’t even pass thru with a comb nor a hair brush without hurting. Do I use a hair conditioner first and rinse it out and only then will I use the KT and leave it on?

    Also, when using a whole scoby for a facial mask, do you rinse it out with tap water after use before returning it to its jar?

    • Hannah Crum

      May 17, 2018 at 10:02 am

      Thanks for your feedback. Everyone’s hair is different so finding the routine that works best for you may take some tweaking. You could use the hair tonic first and then end with conditioner. The Kombucha Hair Tonic will remove any buildup from your hair gently without washing out all of your natural oils. Then condition the ends so its easy to manage. When I’m done with the SCOBY for my face mask, I usually just drop it right back in its own jar with Kombucha vinegar – if it looks low, I’ll top off with some fresh Kombucha and let it sit about a week.

  • Marlen

    May 7, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    So, if you use the whole scoby on your face as a mask, do you avoid the eyes area or not?

    • Hannah Crum

      May 3, 2018 at 5:34 pm

      The SCOBY doesn’t press against every part of your face unless you do so with your fingers. You may either cut eye holes or let it be present more loosely over the eyes. The Kombucha could sting the eyes if any gets into them but won’t damage them in any way. In all the many face masks I’ve enjoyed, I just keep my eyes closed and then rinse with cool water to avoid stinging.

  • Adrienne

    April 19, 2017 at 10:15 am

    The feeling of this SCOBY mask is nice: the acidity makes it tingle and the culture itself is cool to the touch. It also has a nice fermented sweet tea smell (kambucha). I have one on right now. Once I’m done, I plan to store it in a glass holding jar with enough tea to keep it hydrated! Thanks to the tips on this page, I’ll also be storing some in my bathroom for a daily toner and pouring a bit in the bath to clean scum. This is the most fun I’ve had on a creative adventure, bc of how many uses there are for Kambucha and it’s lovely little cultures 🙂 Thanks to all who contribute to this community.

  • Laura

    August 2, 2015 at 4:44 pm

    Can you please explain the benefits of the Kombucha mask? I’m looking for facial fat recovery. Would it help with that?
    Thank you!

    • Hannah Crum

      August 3, 2015 at 12:14 pm

      Kombucha applied topically benefits the skin and speeds healing of wounds while reducing inflammation. Might be nice and soothing while recovering from surgery. Let us know how it works for you!

  • Sky

    April 24, 2015 at 9:41 am

    After using a Kombucha SCOBY on your face, would you keep it in a 1inch brew to use for next time, or keep it as is in no liquid? Does it need to be rinsed off before storing?

    “You could store this same culture in a separate jar just for your facial regimen, otherwise compost after use “

    • Hannah Crum

      May 1, 2015 at 9:23 am

      We always want to store the cultures in enough liquid to prevent total evaporation for the starter liquid is important for maintaining the integrity of the brew. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t want to use a face culture for brewing for sanitary reasons.

  • Susan

    March 14, 2012 at 10:04 am

    Thanks for such great ideas…silly me read it “Kombucha SOUP”…hmmmm


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