The real reason we need fermentation now more than ever is due to toxic overload. There are over 80,000 chemicals found in our food, cleaning supplies, beauty products and more. Humans are evolving as best as they can however many are finding they simply cannot function in a toxic world.
Thankfully that means as our awareness grows, we can make better products. However, the problem that persists is at a governmental and corporate level. As long as there is a revolving door at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) that is in lockstep with corporations that produce toxic chemicals, it will always be a struggle.
The news abounds with shocking stories of unfit drinking water, toxic dumping that leads to increased rare cancers and microplastics invading the human body. The only way to reverse this trend is to radically change our perspective at a very high level. Until we are able to effect that change, individuals are left to seek out better solutions on their own. This is where Kombucha comes in!
You are a sponge in a toxic world.
Elimination is key to maintaining health.