Just so we are all speaking the same language, I’ll offer a brief overview of the characteristics of bacteria:
- Bacteria belong to their own Kingdom and boy are there loads of them! So many we aren’t even close to identifying nor comprehending all that they are capable of doing.
- Bacteria are EVERYWHERE! They live on every single surface on this planet – from the coldest mountain tops, to blazing hot steam vents, to the entire surface of your intestines, organs, blood, brain, gut, armpits, nasal passages, etc.
- Bacteria assist in all processes of life. From our first inoculation via the birth canal to decomposition of our
dead body (aka the ultimate “fermentation”), bacteria give us life, nourish every aspect of our being and assist in breaking down and removing toxins.
Humans also happen to be rod
shaped, with rod shaped
appendages; a coincidence?
Phylogenetic Tree of Life
Bacteria are also share these qualities with human beings:
- Genetically fluid. Bacteria have the ability to grab DNA from other cells and incorporate it into its own DNA structure. Called “gene transfer” this skill is what both creates “superbugs” and sets the stage for epigenetics, the ability for our DNA to be modified by human behavior.
- Pleomorphic. Bacteria can change shape and function depending on the environment. Many “bad bacteria” will not go bad unless they are in an environment that allows them to become “opportunistic pathogens.” What this means is we have more control over how bacteria express their function when we are aware of how our actions impact their environment (i.e. exercise, food choice, stress management)
- Highly adaptive. Pathogenic organisms have learned over time to “wait out” antibiotics. They want to live! They “teach” their offspring how to outmaneuver toxins intended to destroy them – again, this is how “superbugs” are formed (hint: It’s because we are not using isopathy (like controls like)). Have you noticed the ways in which humans have evolved in response to living in a toxic environment?