UPDATE: As of April 30, 2024 – this resource will only be available to Kombucha Kamp Konsultation Klub members. To learn more about the Klub, visit this page. Previous consultation clients will be able to purchase access to the guide for a monthly fee. Details coming soon.
This reference guide is updated on a regular basis, so please check back often. If you have suggestions for suppliers, etc. please add a comment or drop an email to customerservice@kombuchakamp.com so we may add it to the list!
Also, please let any company you contact that you heard about them from Kombucha Kamp =) We grow together!
DISCLAIMER: Some of the links to products or information in this guide may be affiliate links. This means that Kombucha Kamp may receive compensation should you decide to purchase through that link. It does not change the price to you and we get a small reward.